Monday 28 November 2011

Weekly Wrap Up 22

Howdy ponies! Looks like another week wrapped up! We've got 47 pictures with magical flowers, it looks like. Keep it up, everypony!

I could use a magic flower myself, I'm feeling a bit out of it right how. Feverish and lightheaded. So I'm going to keep this short and just let you all get to the pictures. There are some really great ones this week!

1 hip-indeed (The happiest firepony ever - Atlur)

2 Philith (Hopefully she never maxes out her smithing skill, or Spike may be in for some more trouble - Atlur)

3 Ailynd (Fluttershy discovers beauty in the gloom, what a strange place to find a pretty bloom. - fetchbeer)

4 AmbroseButtercrust (Twilight Flower is my favorite - Atlur)

5 FerrousOxideMolecule (If you can't find it, make it. You're crafty, I like it - Atlur)

6 SkyheartArrow (Surely even a giant flower could cause no harm, indeed the larger ones have so much charm! - fetchbeer)

7 DrSyke (The LyraBon makes me smile - Atlur)

8 RydelFox (Oh dear, we may need to call a plumber - Atlur)

9 Cynos-Zilla (Luna flower keeps her company on this tiny moon, upon which her tyrant sister did maroon. - fetchbeer)

10 KuroiTsubasaTenshi

11 KuroiTsubasaTenshi (Probably not the best idea to add random plants to your baking - Atlur)

12 demented-Mr-Paulsen (Oh my D: - Atlur)

13 G-DO-29--Anagram

14 OzAngel

15 Goggle Sparks (A tiny pony dangles from a rope, for she thinks that flower will bring her hope. - fetchbeer)

16 JimTheCactus (ooh, I like the way this turned out - Atlur)

17 SamuelEAllen (Fluttershy is best flower - Atlur)

18 UnicornSketch (I know well the pressures that come from to much rhyme, and to make them up just takes so much time! - fetchbeer)

19 Yuralria

20 MaxAyson

21 pinkie-pie-ninja (These two ponies a lucky clover found, but if the doctor is here danger must abound. - fetchbeer)

22 larrle (His expression makes me worry that we are no longer safe - Atlur)

23 brokenhero0409 (But it makes sounds! How can you say no to that? - Atlur)

24 GiantMosquito (I must have taken some strange drug, but this caterpillar pony I still must hug. - fetchbeer)

25 KuroiTsubasaTenshi

26 Invidlord (Must be a family reunion - Atlur)

27 TerribleTransit (Pinkie Pie has found a magic sack, which she uses in making a tasty snack. - fetchbeer)

28 RunbowDash

29 MoonlightScribe (Now she will be able to make even more amazing fireworks! - Atlur)

30 MoonlightScribe

31 LegoAhsoka111 (Great take on Beauty and the Beast, I like it - Atlur)

32 Easteu (Ooh, that is a pretty flower. I love the colors - Atlur)

33 DarkKnightWolf2011

34 AmbroseButtercrust (Why is it that I haven't tried this brew? Which from a flower got it's hue. - fetchbeer)

35 FoxOFWar

36 NME-NRG (Surely she realizes that's no flower, but soon that muffin she is sure to devour. - fetchbeer)

37 Delta-Pangaea (Aww, I just want to help her - Atlur)

38 Acceleron (Sooooo cute - Atlur)

39 LeafGrowth (I always knew that pony was up to something - Atlur)

40 ArcheonZ

41 ZeldaTheSwordsman

42 CocoaNutCakery

43 Naytree (Ta-daa~! - Atlur)

44 Muffinsforever

45 Fox-E

46 Prismatic-Pretzel

47 Thattagen

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